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Sunday, 25 February 2018

Guzzi Cafe progress - 2nd stage

..............and from this point on the progress will be slower as it generally takes time to add all those hidden away items,plus brakes elecs etc. Also I have other things to do,but feel I'm at a good point for the end of February. Don't want to get too complacent though, as we all know how the time can run away! The plan is for this build to have a slightly lived in look with a matt/satin black frame,scotchbrite finish on the tank,seat and wheels. The engine and gearbox have been grit blasted rather than vapour as the latter tends to leave a slightly brighter finish. The top yoke,headlamp brackets and rear brake plate are finished in a textured black which gives a slight contrast against the satin frame.

Tuesday, 20 February 2018

Guzzi Cafe project.

This has been very slow going since the Christmas period,but hopefully having got the frame back last week things will start to progress. At the end of day yesterday frame and battery tray in place,as always the first lower frame rail slots in place simply and unexpectedly the l/hand one was in place within 30 seconds.......................can't ask for any better than that. Within less than 10 minutes first stage done!

Monday, 19 February 2018

Bristol Auto Italia Day.......... apparently NOT going to be on this year. My friend Joe,who has his ear to the ground as a MAG area rep let me know today..................A great shame really!